No matter how big is your HD, the bigger it is, the more rubbish files you'll store. You'll have to be careful if you don't want to waste the space of your HD, one of the common problems when you have lots of MBs occupied are the duplicate files. Hopefully, there are some programs that help you finding and eliminating those duplicate files, and by the way, free s...
Looking to download Trending Free software developed by Shark Labs, Here is a list of Trending Free software developed by Shark Labs.
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Allmyapps for Windows
Installing a program on Windows isn’t very complicated; however, many Windows users need help with the process. Allmyapps is a free app that allows you to receive assistance with downloading and installing applications on Windows. Its main advantage is the ease that it contributes to the installation of programs—the process is just a matter of clicks. All you w...
BluffTitler for Windows
BluffTitler is an easy to use application which will help you when creating your own text animations, no matter if they are going to be 2D or 3D. The animations you create with BluffTitler can be viewed directly from the program or exported so they can be used in gif animations or any other kind of multimedia presentation. As an example of the advanced features...
Mobile Gamepad is an app that allows you to use your Android device as if it were a video game controller when you use it along with the app for your Android device. One of the advantages of Mobile Gamepad compared to other similar Android apps (which do exist) is that it allows you to set up different profiles for different games. You can configure the keys of you...