If you have one or various accounts that are currently running and you like to have control of your income and spending to not encounter any surprises towards the end, then you need an application like this one! Caja Básica is a simple tool that is very easy to use and you can control several bank accounts editing all of the aspects of the account all together an...
Looking to download Trending Chat Applications, Here is a collection of Trending Chat Applications.
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ComicRack 0.9.178 for Windows
The virtual world increasingly absorbs more products every day. Today, it's normal to read the news or talk with a friend directly from our PC. Another step in this process is the virtualization of comics. There are many authors who make their comics available for downloading and viewing directly from our computer. This utility allows us to view them. ComicRac...
Peggo is a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) that records MP3s and MP4s of your favorite YouTube videos and SoundCloud tracks. Peggo's packed with great features like volume normalization, unwanted silence removal, metadata discovery, integrated search, subtrack offsets, and artist and title tags. You can read more about Peggo's many great features here. What makes Peg...
Prison Tycoon is an original game in which you need to build a rehabilitative facility and manage all of its associated resources. From a top-down perspective you'll be able to watch the dozens of prisoners at your facility pay their debt to society. You start with a limited budget that you have to spend on constructing new buildings for your prison. Some of t...
Smadav Antivirus 2023 Revision 15.0 for Windows
Smadav for PC Windows Antivirus software for solid protection of your System. It is used for extra protection. You can’t use it as an alternative to main protectors like Avira, AVG, or Norton. It protects your system from outer-linked devices. Like USB, Memory card, and flash drive against malware strain as well as bugs. It is thoroughly compatible with your mai...