Latest DevOps

Looking to download Latest DevOps, Here is a collection of Latest DevOps.

Editor's Choice

XAMPP feature
XAMPP icon
Apache, PHP, MySQL and Perl all in one package..
Code::Blocks feature
Code::Blocks icon
DE for C++ that includes the MinGW compiler..


XAMPP icon
Apache, PHP, MySQL and Perl all in one package.
Free Pascal icon
Open source compiler for Pascal.
Just Banners icon
Create advertising banners for your website.
Python icon
Accessible multi-paradigmatic programming langu...
WYSIWYG Web Builder icon
Easy to use web page builder with built-in FTP ...
Brackets icon
A dynamic web development environment.
WiFi-Manager icon
Manage WIFI connections and their settings.
Kompozer icon
A visual webpage editor based on NVU.
JavaScript Minimizer icon
Minimize the size of your JavaScript files.
CodeIgniter icon
PHP Framework for web development.
Tutorial de HTML icon
Master the basics of HTML.
Turbo C++ icon
Upgraded and optimized version of Borland Turbo...
GNS3 icon
Design and build virtual networks.
SharpDevelop icon
GNU tool for developers similar to Visual Studi...
UltraEdit icon
Everything a programmer expects from an editor.
Windows PowerShell icon
Making the command line useful again.
Visual Studio Code icon
A multiplatform code editor from Microsoft.
KompoZer icon
Easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editor.
AppServ icon
Install and configure Apache, PHP, MySQL and ph...
Wincvs icon
Collaborate and track all changes in your softw...
MySQL GUI Tools icon
Utility packet for MySQL databases.
Aptana Studio icon
Development environment for dynamic web applica...
Banner Maker Pro icon
Create your banners in a matter of seconds.
Apache NetBeans icon
Java, C and Ruby application development from y...
Microsoft .NET 7.0 SDK icon
Components for Microsoft .NET applications.
Code::Blocks icon
DE for C++ that includes the MinGW compiler.
XAMPP icon
The easy way to install Apache, PHP and MySQL.
Microsoft Expression Web icon
Develop your own web page with this program.
Notepad++ icon
The very full-featured substitute for your Note...
Smultron icon
Text editor that includes autocomplete and synt...
FireBug icon
Depurate your web applications using only firef...
Android SDK Platform-Tools (ADB) icon
Android app development kit.
Microsoft SQL Server icon
Powerful data base management system.
Komodo Edit icon
A code editor for dynamic programming languages...
Setup Factory icon
Create nice and complete software installers.
Access to all-in-one interactive environment.
phpMyAdmin icon
Manage your MySQL database on the web.
JADMaker icon
Convert Java games into a compatible format for...
Joomla Dreamweaver Extension icon
Easy creation of Joomla templates with Dreamwea...
BarCodeWiz Barcode ActiveX icon
Add barcodes onto your programs and documents.
Komodo Edit icon
An IDE optimized for dynamic language programmi...
Visual Studio Community icon
A multiplatform development environment from Mi...
Visual Studio Code icon
A multiplatform code editor for Microsoft.
Jmeter icon
Check the performance of servers and other serv...
Adobe Dreamweaver icon
The industry standard for web design.
TextWrangler icon
An advanced text editor based on regular expres...
Editor HTML icon
Free HTML Web editor packed with features.
WinHex icon
A complete Hex Editor.

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MSN Shell for Windows feature

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