YouTube to MP3 is a multi-function utility tool that allows you to download videos from YouTube with just a single click. All you’ll need to do is copy and paste the video’s URL and in just a few seconds you’ll be able to download a multimedia file and store it on your machine. The interface for this tool is so simple that it was designed for any user type,...
Looking to download Updated Free Exploration, Here is a collection of Updated Free Exploration.
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Secret Maryo Chronicles is a new version of one of the most famous characters in videogames history, Super Mario Bros. The game is developed following the original model, with the same scenarios and structure. This clone of Super Mario is, with no doubt, a good choice for Mario lovers, and it also includes some new features. Among the new features, maybe the...
Times have changed, and now nearly everybody has a TFT at home. They are pretty enough and really good, but it is said that some pixels go off. TFT screens have thousands of pixels. On a 1024x768 monitor, there are nearly 2.4 million cells (1024x768x3 = 2,359,296). Considering that figure, we realize that it is tough for all of them to run correctly. Dead Pixel Tes...
Wamp Server, known previously as WAMP, is a complete pack similar to ’apachefriends’ that lets you install and easily configure the latest of the Web Apache server on your computer, the PHP programming language and the MYSQL database server. The versions of these applications that it installs are the following: Apache 2.2.6, PHP5, MySQL database, PHPmyadmin y...