We usually have some problems when we try to uninstall a program which doesn’t include an uninstall file, so we have to use the Windows uninstaller or eliminate manually. Uninstall Tool is the tool which will help to uninstall any program with no problem. It is really useful and it clearly shows the applications we use the most. It runs in safe mode, eliminat...
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Desktops 2.0 for Windows
One of the most loved features of GNU/Linux OS is that one which allows you to multiply your desktop and enjoy several virtual desktops. Desktops is a very easy-to-use application that allows us to have more than one active desktop, emulating the functionality offered by GNU/Linux OS. It features a graphic interchanger accessible from the Desktops iconin the sy...
QupZilla 2.1.2 for Windows
Competition between web browsers is becoming more and more fierce. However, in spite of this we continue to see some interesting alternatives such as QupZilla, which is based on a WebKit core and Qt Framework. The fact that QupZilla uses WebKit means that it is benefitting from the same technology as browsers such as Google Chrome, giving the user fast page loadin...
Have you ever seen those little helicopters and planes flying over you and children (and not so young) controlling them? Now you can practice too. ClearView RC Flight simulator allows you to pilot several real RC Models in your computer in several flying sites. This game provides a realistic sensation, with real physics. It includes several real models (from li...
AliExpress 8.81.8 APK for Android
AliExpress, the leading global online shop and online store, brings millions of items to your doorstep. It's the perfect choice for those who love to shop online, providing an unparalleled online shopping experience. With the AliExpress app, you can unlock a world of choices for clothes shopping, discover incredible deals with discount shopping, and enjoy the conv...