We usually have some problems when we try to uninstall a program which doesn’t include an uninstall file, so we have to use the Windows uninstaller or eliminate manually. Uninstall Tool is the tool which will help to uninstall any program with no problem. It is really useful and it clearly shows the applications we use the most. It runs in safe mode, eliminat...
Looking to download Trending Internet Tools, Here is a collection of Trending Internet Tools.
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Get the GAME OF THE YEAR award-winning puzzler! Help Swampy by guiding water to his broken shower. Each level is a challenging physics-based puzzle with amazing life-like mechanics. Cut through dirt and guide fresh water, dirty water, toxic water, steam, and ooze through increasingly challenging scenarios! Every drop counts! In this FREE version, play 15+ challe...
InstallerApp 1.0.3 for Mac
InstallerApp is a desktop client for Mac OS X that allows you to download applications from Installer and Cydia repositories and install them on iPhone via USB connection. It includes a pusher that allows you to install apps not coming form the AppStore on your iPhone without having to jailbreak it. InstallerApp allows you to sync Mac and iPhone apps with no pr...
VideoFX is a smart, intuitive and super easy-to-use video recorder app that helps you create awesome lip-sync music videos to your favorite songs in a snap. Just pick a soundtrack from your music library and start shooting your lip-sync performance. Apply video effects live while shooting. Pause and resume recording at any time to change scene, preview your foota...
YouTube Song Downloader is an excellent application to download videos and songs from YouTube. The program has an intuitive interface with a built-in search box that is really useful to find any video-clip you are looking for. For example, if you type 'Fame Monster' the program will show you a list of all the songs included in this album that are uploaded...