Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Legend Reborn is a trading card game inspired by the popular anime series Yu-Gi-Oh!. In this program, you can face off against the computer, or your own friends, following the saga's original rules. The game comes with more than 1,100 different cards, both familiar, like the white dragon with blue eyes or the dark mage, as well as fan-created....
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Sublime Text 2 is a text editor designed mainly for editing snippets of code, plugins, and markup, but it also comes with everything you need to write articles or type in normal prose. Whichever way you use it, where Sublime Text 2 shines is in the quality and quantity of its features, among which you can find some exciting ones such as multiple selection, multiple...
Ares 2.5.8 for Windows
Ares is a P2P file exchange program that, with the passing of time, has established itself as one of the best alternatives within a field of intense competition. Downloading music, movies, TV shows, text documents, books, and video games is possible (and very easy) with Ares. Ares' most remarkable features with respect to other similar download managers (such...
BitComet 2.03 for Windows
BitComet for PC Windows 7/10/11 is an HTTP and FTP client of BitTorrent specifically used for downloading as well as sharing files online. The P2P file-sharing freeware program is entirely compatible with BitTorrent and easily distributed 100MB or GB of files at high speed. The tool has the ability to support real-time downloading, queue download, selected download...