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Opera Mini PC 70.0.2254.66606 for Windows
Opera mini Download for PC is a safe and fast way of surfing online while proving itself the best substitute for Google Chrome and Firefox. It offers a chromium-based interface with a combination of amazing tools and online surfing. It syncs your data with the compatibility of multiple operating systems. You can navigate in the fastest way while compressing p...
8GadgetsPack 37.0.0 for Windows
8GadgetsPack is a tiny-sized and simple application for users who want to recollect Windows 7 or Windows Vista for Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. A compilation of 49 popular gadgets along with a sidebar for organizing your gadgets. The tool enables you to access as well as organize active windows, write notes, customize calendars, visit URLs, open fi...
The birds of Angry Birds have made a trip to Rio de Janeiro and of course, could not spend another moment without flying headfirst into everything in their path. Angry Birds Rio is a game that combines two elements of success: Angry Birds game in all its splendor, and the setting of the movie Rio with its unique characters. In this game, our favorite birds are alli...