We usually have some problems when we try to uninstall a program which doesn’t include an uninstall file, so we have to use the Windows uninstaller or eliminate manually. Uninstall Tool is the tool which will help to uninstall any program with no problem. It is really useful and it clearly shows the applications we use the most. It runs in safe mode, eliminat...
Looking to download Updated Platformer, Here is a collection of Updated Platformer.
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Gamma Panel for Windows
Gamma Panel is a tool that will allow you to adjust in real time the brightness, the contrast and the gamma of your computer´s screen. To obtain the desired configuration, the user only have to slide the adjustment bars to the left or to the right. The channels can be modified separately (green, red and blue) or together. The last profile you use will be automatic...
Atom for Windows
GitHub is one of the best software development communities on the Internet. Atom, an open-source text editor that can be used as an IDE for a huge array of programming languages, can open up loads of opportunities thanks to continuous support from this community. It includes all the features you could ask for in a code editor, like a syntax highlighter, auto-detect...
Google Meet (Original) 2023.09.24.568063100.Release APK for Android
Securely connect, collaborate, and celebrate from anywhere. With Google Meet, everyone can safely create and join high-quality video meetings for groups of up to 250 people. • Meet safely - video meetings are encrypted in transit and our array of safety measures are continuously updated for added protection • Host large meetings - invite up to 250 participant...
Smart Remote APK for Android
This Remote Changes Everything! Peel Smart Remote revolutionizes your home entertainment experience by combining universal remote control and live or streamed TV listings into one simple-to-use app. This is the only remote and TV guide you need. Universal Remote Control Reliably control your TV, set-top box, DVD player, Blu-ray, Roku, Apple TV, audio system, and...