Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Legend Reborn is a trading card game inspired by the popular anime series Yu-Gi-Oh!. In this program, you can face off against the computer, or your own friends, following the saga's original rules. The game comes with more than 1,100 different cards, both familiar, like the white dragon with blue eyes or the dark mage, as well as fan-created....
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BlueTooth Texter is a widget for the Mac OS X dashboard that lets you write short text messages on your computer and send them from your mobile phone using BlueTooth. The main problem with this widget is that it does not work with all mobile phones. You can find a list of those phones that work and those that do not on the authors website by following this link her...
WeFi for Windows
WeFi is a new social network whose goal is to have people sharing places where they can connect to the Internet for free. It is a great idea. If you are travelling and want to know where you can connect to the Internet, you'll only have to access this social network and you'll see those hotspots in a map. WeFi client is a like an IM client, although in th...
MixVibes Pro is the sound mixer you have always dreamt with. If your dream is to become a famous DJ, make your fantasy true and start practicing with this application. MixVibes Pro is a professional software which allows you to remix any audio file. It uses a technology called Digital Vinyl System which provides Hi-Fi sound. With MixVibes you will enjoy two record-...
Probably Archery is a first-person archery game that, instead of employing a shooting system typical of its genre, opts for a style that is much more similar to titles like QWOP and Surgeon Simulator. The hardest part about playing Probably Archery is figuring out its complicated control system, although luckily you have the option to leave a cheat-sheet of instru...