Inspired by Allison Road. SUPERNORMAL is a psychological horror game set in a seemingly ordinary apartment harboring dark secrets. Play as Detective Wyatt, tasked with unravelling the disappearance of Masato Sakamoto's daughter. Search for clues and unravel the sinister truth. Supernormal for PC Gameplay Gamers often comes with a question about a game that how to p...
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Elmedia Player 8.15 for Mac
Elmedia Player is a multimedia player for Mac that supports an enormous amount of formats, among them FLV, SWF, XAP (Silverlight), AVI, MOV, MP4, and DAT, enabling you to enjoy any video without needing to download tons of different programs to do so. One of the application's most interesting features is an integrated browser that allows you to navigate to any...
Zoom Meeting App for Windows
Zoom App Download for PC Windows (7/10/11) is the best place for getting all of your co-members and students in a video conference call. Simple send meeting URL, meeting ID, or instant notification for inviting your colleagues. Real-time Collaboration on small as well as large projects is possible with the help of the latest computing tools. Organize unlimited free...
QupZilla 2.1.2 for Windows
Competition between web browsers is becoming more and more fierce. However, in spite of this we continue to see some interesting alternatives such as QupZilla, which is based on a WebKit core and Qt Framework. The fact that QupZilla uses WebKit means that it is benefitting from the same technology as browsers such as Google Chrome, giving the user fast page loadin...
Samsung Easy Printer Manager for Windows
Samsung Easy Printer Manager is a freeware utility developed by Samsung to streamline the checking of deployments of printers. The best option for beginners as well as professionals for keeping track of multiple printers from one operating system along with giving information about technical issues. The software easily combines the device settings, printing environ...