Top Free Internet

Looking to download Top Free Internet for Windows, Here is a collection of Top Free Internet for Windows.

Editor's Choice

Urban VPN feature
Urban VPN icon
A free premium VPN for anonymous browsing..
Viber feature
Viber icon
The desktop version of the popular chat and VoI....
Ares feature
Ares icon
Download music, videos, and files quickly and w....
Telegram for Desktop feature
Telegram for Desktop icon
Talk to all your Telegram contacts from the des....


Firefox Developer Edition icon
A special version of Firefox for developers.
Rapidshare Auto Downloader icon
Download latest version of Rapidshare Auto Down
Frikismo Brutal Pack de Sonidos icon
Download latest version of Frikismo Brutal Pack
Logitech Capture icon
Create the best content ever with your webcam.
WinMTR icon
Get basic information about a route on a certai...
Download Youtube As MP4 icon
Add a button to download Youtube videos as mp4.
Internet Explorer 8 para Vista icon
Windows Vista version of Microsoft's new b...
Group Mail Free icon
Send several emails at the same time for free.
Complete Internet Repair icon
Solve any Internet connection problem.
Facebook @Desktop by Olcinium icon
Access all Facebook's options from your de...
VideoTodo icon
Download YouTube videos and convert them to var...
DownUtube with Google Video icon
One of the best programs to download YouTube vi...
TuentiPack icon
Download latest version of TuentiPack for Windo
Satellite Antenna Alignment icon
Helps to properly align a satellite antenna.
WebCam Viewer icon
Look what's happening all aound the world ...
TweetDeck icon
Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, MySpace,... all toge...
URL Snooper icon
Get the URL from any multimedida file.
eDonkey 2000 GUI icon
Share and dowload files with millions of people...
TubeDownload icon
Enjoy Youtube video clips even when offline.
imo icon
The online messenger comes to your desk.
MEGA extension icon
Improve the MEGA experience in Firefox.
Messenger Paraiso icon
Download latest version of Messenger Paraiso fo
RockMelt icon
A browser with direct connection to your social...
ByWifi icon
Download and speed up streaming videos.
YouTube MP3 Downloader icon
Extract audio from any video on YouTube.
CometBird icon
Light and compact web browser.
Free FLV Converter icon
Download videos from YouTube and convert the fo...
StuffPlug NG icon
Power up your Windows Live Messenger experience...
Veetle icon
Web based P2P TV program.
Utilu Mozilla Firefox Collection icon
Install several versions of Firefox at once.
SG TCP Optimizer icon
Optimize your connection and improve VoIP quali...
Emoticones Animaux Messenger icon
A pack of fun animal emotions for Messenger.
Fiddler icon
Analysis and optimization of HTTP traffic.
Fantasy TV Player icon
Watch worldwide TV channels without PC TV card.
Iron Man Windows Live Messenger Skin icon
A revolutionary skin for WLM featuring Iron Man...
eMule Plus icon
New eMule’s brother.
Simple Port Forwarding icon
Easily open router ports on hundreds of models.
YouTube to MP3 icon
Download videos from YouTube and convert them t...
FreeFox icon
Music, videos, photos, games,... just one click...
Transmission icon
A fast and compact torrent client.
Wii Messenger icon
Elegant Skin for WLM inspired on Wii.
Packmatronic Smileys for MSN icon
Enjoy these 50 free and new emoticons.
MSN Ultimate icon
Download latest version of MSN Ultimate for Win
Sony Ericsson Update Service icon
Keep your Sony Ericsson phone up to date.
uTorrent Falcon icon
The logical evolution of bitTorrent.
Super Mario Bros 3 Theme icon
Firefox theme of the popular Nintendo game. | a simple URL shortener icon
Easily shorten and share URLs.
PaperBus icon
Access any blocked website and skip any restric...

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Hola Unblocker 1.98.732 for Windows feature

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My Talking Angela APK for Android feature

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Joulemeter for Windows feature

Joulemeter is a curious application created by Microsoft that shows you the electric consumption of each element of your computer. After scanning your computer, it calculates the electric consumption of each element: motherboard, HD, screen, etc. Thanks to that analysis, the program can tell you the electric consumption of each element in real time at any time.