Trending Free Internet

Looking to download Trending Free Internet for Windows, Here is a collection of Trending Free Internet for Windows.

Editor's Choice

Urban VPN feature
Urban VPN icon
A free premium VPN for anonymous browsing..
Ares feature
Ares icon
Download music, videos, and files quickly and w....
Telegram for Desktop feature
Telegram for Desktop icon
Talk to all your Telegram contacts from the des....
Viber feature
Viber icon
The desktop version of the popular chat and VoI....


Vitamin D icon
Intelligent recognition system for webcams.
Instagram for Chrome icon
Instagram, now on Chrome.
Zattoo icon
The definitive internet TV solution.
1-Click Web Proxy icon
Access any website using a foreign proxy.
ANT icon
Measure and optimize your ADSL connection speed...
The Dude icon
Graphically represent a network.
FlashGet icon
Speed up your downloads.
Freemake YouTube MP3 Converter icon
Download and convert Youtube videos.
eMule MoRpHXT icon
Download latest version of eMule MoRpHXT for Wi
SmartSniff icon
Packet capture for wireless networks.
Free YouTube Downloader icon
Download videos and change their format.
Torrent Stream icon
Stream high quality video.
Google Chrome Canary icon
Google Chrome version for developers.
Free Torrent Download icon
Download any torrent in the easiest way possibl...
Copernic Agent Basic icon
Quickly find what you´re looking for on the we...
FreeProxy Internet Suite icon
Proxy and mail server in one.
xVideoServiceThief icon
Download and convert videos from tons of differ...
eMule Plus icon
New eMule’s brother.
QupZilla icon
There's a new browser in town.
Mozilla icon
Download latest version of Mozilla for Windows
Slimjet icon
A smart browser that's attentive to your n...
Homedale icon
Monitor the signal of multiple WLAN access poin...
Online Radio Tuner icon
Tune and record any online radio podcast on the...
ChromePass icon
Extract passwords stored in Google Chrome.
Ummy Video Downloader icon
Download videos from YouTube in just two clicks...
Vuze icon
Access one of the biggest libraries of Hi-Def v...
Google Meet icon
Mobile conferencing app.
Kung Fu Panda Skin icon
Colorful Kung Fu Panda skin for Windows Live Me...
Internet Explorer 8 para Vista icon
Windows Vista version of Microsoft's new b...
Netscape ESP icon
Spanish version of this spectacular browser.
BitSpirit icon
Elegant and full-featured bittorrent client.
Opera Developer icon
The most stable and error free Opera browser.
Google Earth plugin icon
Integrate Google Earth into Internet Explorer o...
Complete Internet Repair icon
Solve any Internet connection problem.
NetStumbler icon
Detect wireless networks in your local area.
LiveKill Clean Messenger icon
Download latest version of LiveKill Clean Messe
Wireshark Portable icon
Capture and analyze packets from any network.
WiFi SiStr icon
WiF strength always at a glance.
Jitsi icon
Make encrypted video calls to protect your secu...
SWifi Keygen icon
Test the safety of your WiFi network.
Simple Port Forwarding icon
Easily open router ports on hundreds of models.
Comodo Ice Dragon icon
Surf the internet in a quick and safe way.
Digital TV icon
Tune hundreds of TV channels and radio stations...
PeerBlock icon
Block other computers from accessing your own.
Google Toolbar for Firefox icon
Now you can enhance your Firefox with this usef...
VideoTodo icon
Download YouTube videos and convert them to var...
Who Is On My WiFi? icon
Who is connected to your WiFi?.
YTD Video Downloader icon
Download and convert YouTube videos.

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Java 2 Runtime Environment 8 Update 381 for Windows feature

Java is a powerful programming language that allows you to create all kinds of apps that will run on any platform with little to no changes. The only drawback of Java is that it requires the presence of an interpreter called runtime environment, which is essential to run countless programs that are nowadays required on any PC. As such, Java 2 Runtime Environment (J

Vista Sidebar 3.1 for Windows feature

Vista Sidebar is a side toolbar for Windows XP and Vista which integrates several gadgets. The list of tools included is large and it includes a multimedia player, calender, image viewer, weather info, free space monitor,... Vista Sidebar allows you to set your preferred style to it. From the options menu is possible to add new gadgets by using Drag&Drop. A

Sudoku Portable for Windows feature

Day by day we see that we use different computers in just one day: at home, in the office, our friend's house... that's the reason why we usually see how applications are also made to be stored in a pendrive and used on a y PC just pluging the pendrive. Sudoku Portable is one of those applications and it gives you the possibility of playing sudoku on any PC witho

Tibia 13804 for Windows feature

Join the world of Tibia and you will enjoy a multiplayer experience where thousands of players all around the world compete everyday. Choose your character, his vests and his role in this huge and fantastic environment. Each character has different features which can be powered up thanks to training. Of course, as a good role game it is, you will be able to use ma

Temple Run 2 1.103.1 APK for Android feature

A top free game, Temple Run 2 is the exciting sequel to Temple Run with over a billion downloads worldwide! Play this endless runner and jump, turn, and slide your way to the highest score. Navigate perilous cliffs, zip lines, dash away from mines, and explore lush forests as you try to escape with the cursed idol. How far can you run?! FEATURES ★ Beautiful e