AeroInsta is a heavy-theming app with a dark variant that offers all the missing features of Instagram for users who are demanding a lot. AeroInsta is another passionate development of Hazar BOZKURT as a re-modified version of the official InstaULTRA by Sommer Damous of Soula Mods. Hazar BOZKURT is famous for designing Aero apps such as Whatsapp Aero Edition....
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DVDs are not forever. As you can check with your old DVDs, some of them are scratched and they become unreadable. MacTheRipper is an application that allows you to extract any video or audio track from your DVDs. The application eliminates CSS protection and set the region code to zero(no region). It can also eliminate other restrictions that don't let you...

Craving Explorer is a web browser especially designed for downloading videos from any portal on the Internet and sending them to your favorite media player, whether it be your computer, iPhone, or PSP. The browser comes with a toolbar at the bottom in which you can view the download progress and a list of all the videos you’ve selected to download. The bar will t...

Blockbench is a powerful 3D animation and editing tool that's especially useful for Minecraft and other similar games. In fact, it's very easy to export whatever you create in this program to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. Or, if you prefer, you can render it in Blender or Maya. Blockbench's interface is simple and completely customizable. From the settings menu, not...